Latest Episodes
What is the Point of Your Good Works?
"What are your good works for? They're to help you be effective in loving your brothers and sisters and creating unity within the body...
How is God Jealous for Us?
"So closely does he identify with his church; so significant is his union with his people. May this encourage our hearts today. The Lord...
Have I Truly Been Saved By Grace?
"Grace is to receive something you don't deserve. And what is it that you received that you didn't deserve, right? Which was forgiveness and...
Have You Believed This Lie Before?
"We all felt it this week. How many of you felt the shame of your sin this week? I did. And how many of...
How to Find Comfort While Suffering
"So he's not saying that everything's easy, you know. Just deny the hardness because it's all great because God is good. That's not how...
Must We Surrender All To Be Saved?
"If you don't understand these uses of the law, you're going to butcher passages like the good Samaritan and like the rich young man....