Why Do I Still Feel Guilty?

September 14, 2022 00:03:56
Why Do I Still Feel Guilty?
Everyday Grace
Why Do I Still Feel Guilty?

Sep 14 2022 | 00:03:56


Show Notes

"The guilt is real, but the shame piece is so significant. And people will say that - when we make the statement that no sin is private - people will push back and say, well, what if it's just me by myself, you know, and my thoughts? And I'm just kind of, I'm just kind of toying with the cravings I have, and it's just me? It's not hurting anybody else. You're a fool if you think that. You are a fool. Because of this guilt and shame reality and the ways that you are - let's use some biblical language - you are feeding that monster of your flesh…"

Today's reminder is from a recent Theocast episode hosted by Pastor Jon Moffitt and Pastor Justin Perdue.

Listen to the full episode here!

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Episode Transcript

Jon: So I had a conversation recently with my own son. I'm going to challenge every parent in here: this is not a one-and-done. They don't need to know the anatomy, and then we're done. What you have to do is - it's a constant… let me put it this way, you are way outgunned and way outdone with advertising from the world. The world is pressing in on them and reprogramming their brain every second of every day through music, advertisement, and friends. So I am in constant conversations with my son - and my wife, with our daughters and me even, with our daughters - where I'm always talking about the positives and the upsides and the joy of what's going on. Recently, I was telling my son, I said, you know, you're going to start having strong affections. You're going to be like, wow, I really like, I think I really appreciate this person, and I just want to be near her. And you're going to have physical attraction. You're going to be just like your dad. I think your mom is gorgeous. Right? I like to be around her. And I said, Titus, I like to show physical affection towards your mom because I want her to know that I really care about her. I said you're going to want that, and that's good. What I want you to learn how to do is to prepare your heart and your mind to not only do it in a way where, you know, God's being glorified but also you're going to enjoy it the right way. Let me put it this way. You're actually going to enjoy it versus you fulfilling a temporary satisfaction that leads to guilt and shame. Justin: The guilt is real, but the shame piece is so significant. And people will say that - when we make the statement that no sin is private - people will push back and say, well, what if it's just me by myself, you know, and my thoughts? And I'm just kind of, I'm just kind of toying with the cravings I have, and it's just me? It's not hurting anybody else. You're a fool if you think that. You are a fool. Because of this guilt and shame reality and the ways that you are - let's use some biblical language - you are feeding that monster of your flesh… Jon: You mean to tell me you're not going to treat them differently? Justin: Exactly. That's significant. But then you will, in particular, if you're a believer - even if you're not, because you are made in God's image, and his law is written on your heart, your conscience will be wrecked. You will be riddled with guilt, and you will be riddled with shame when it comes to this aspect of your life. So do not for one second think that you can toy with your cravings and your passions by yourself, and it will not affect other people. It will. Jon: It will. I will speak into this as well. I think this is why we do have an epidemic in the church when it comes to people struggling with what they watch. Justin, you and I both have to counsel men and women, and I will say women too - men and women. Justin: That’s right. It's not a male-only issue. Jon: When sexuality becomes purely about appetite fulfillment, where we are just satisfying the desires of our flesh, well, that makes it super easy to do that. Well, my spouse isn't doing it for me. That's just a whole reprogramming of life. Justin: Because now it becomes transactional. It's about my gratification. And then I end up resenting my spouse because my spouse is not meeting my expectations. Yeah, it's a death spiral. Everyday Grace 028

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