"What is saving faith? I accept. I receive. I rest. Is there anything in that equation that you're doing - that you're accomplishing? No, you're passive. You receive it; you rest; you trust in Christ alone. For what? Justification, absolutely, the declaration of righteousness, but also for sanctification that you will be conformed unto the image of Christ because his spirit is in you and you've been united to him, and he will see it through."
Today's reminder is from Justin Perdue, Pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in Asheville, NC.
Listen to the full sermon here!
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Today's reminder is from Jon Moffitt, Pastor of Grace Reformed Church in Spring Hill, TN. Listen to the full sermon here! To learn more...
Today's reminder is from a recent Theocast episode hosted by Pastor Jon Moffitt and Pastor Justin Perdue. Listen to the full episode here! To...
Today's reminder is from a recent Theocast episode hosted by Pastor Jon Moffitt and Pastor Justin Perdue. Listen to the full episode here! To...